Monday, October 24, 2005


...gets finished friday nov. 4 (hopefully) and then you shall know what the hell i'm talking about.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


you know it's a very few times that i trip through the ole lj, and when i do - most of it is people bitching, and this time was at each other, quite can have your opinions, but i will shoot you if you ever disagree with mine. that being said - let's have an orgy and make up...sound good?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


never choose next day shipping cuz those fucking bastards won't get it there the next day or the day after that or the day after that, i'm so pissed cuz i forked out 30 bucks for that shit. here comes a nasty email you son of a bitches...cunts.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

this is the first day of my life

insert some stabbing westward
although it's not like i didn't ask for it, and didn't really set it up, it's not like i'm innocent, not like anything you expected.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

sonic heroes...

yeah, got the theme song from that sonic game stuck in my fucking head. i dunno why just do-de-do. it's an amazing thing how randomly things like that can happen, but ya know - actually you prolly don't. but as for me, i've just been takin' a chill pill. and upgrading my life, with computer parts, and dvd's and night, dawn, day and land of the dead shirts...woot. razzle dazzle. god dizzle. uhm, yeah - i think i should just hop off here, and sleep maybe - yes, damn video games stealing my life away from me hour by hour.

Monday, October 3, 2005

and she in he and we're all in this together now, but i still feel so alone.

i feel like i've been studying the shit outta japanese, and i'm still not fucking fluent, goddammit, i've killed people for less.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

cock and balls...the revenge

you know, i think i've noticed that i don't post on here near as much as i used to, but when i did i was always the cryptic one, plus i think i figured out that no one ever read 'em, unless they were about drinking or some stupid shit like that...anyway...