Saturday, August 15, 2015

I haven't felt particularly keen on writing anything as of late. Hell, I haven't even been working enough to make my well paying job worth it. 

And it goes to prove some sort of ebbing tide of long faded nostalgia, that five years ago today was still arguably one of the worst days (and thusly beginning one of the darkest and most painful periods) of my life. I feel that I've learned a lot about how to live since then. I've dealt with a lot, as well, but one thing that will never change is the armor that my soft skin has grown over since then. The appreciation and beauty I see in life and the interaction and relationships between people and the importance and fragility of it all. I appreciate more than I ever have before and all because I lost (what I considered) everything and broke myself down piece by piece over the years, learning that I was never anything more than I had to give and I never gave anything of myself. 

So where ever you are, out there in the great and wonderful world or some passersby's imagination, know you're still in my heart, informing the small growths I have every day. I could not have made it this far without you and never hoped (after knowing you) that I would have to. 

To the rest of our lives, apart, and hoping that we're worthy of every second. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Do yourself a favor.

Find the means to listen to the complete discography for both:

Death from Above 1979

Thank me when you start enjoying life again.