Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Mandy and I moved out to NM, but continued to stay in a hotel because the windows of our place where too big and she felt like aliens would always be watching us. There was a point where we followed train tracks to work through the woods, always paranoid that something would come and take us. At another point, my dad was staying with us because him and mom were getting a divorce. He stayed in a spare room at the house that we bought but were too scared to stay it. It was a small play room already furnished with a doll house and small rocking chair and big bed. It had a bathroom off of it and when I went to go check on dad, the chair started rocking on it's own, but dad got out of the shower and scared me on his own. The chair wasn't rocking anymore and dad said that he'd never see anything strange. 

Another point in the dream, I was with my mom and I was a child. We'd found a cavern on our property and went into it to see where it lead. It was something dangerous and full of creatures from deep below and somehow I knew that this was my responsibility. Fast forward years later and I'm trying to impress a girl by leading her there and showing her the magicks I can perform. After the walks through a door I summon, though, it disappears and I can't find it, opening door beyond door beyond door.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Alright, to set the mood of the whole thing, it was sort of a 1950’s prohibition era style but in a modern age. So think if fashion didn’t really evolve much past that or styling but technology and everything else did. It was pretty cool. And we were hanging out in the Bowers, which is like the underbelly of a big city.

There wasn’t a whole lot of exposition that happen before the point that I’m going to jump in on, but most things I’d already understood as part of the dream master to this dream. We’d met when I had been on a case or something, but things had all gone to hell and people had died and I was getting all the blame for it. You’d come to my office out of some misplaced sense of debt since I had saved your life from this crazy cult. The main guy that tried to sacrifice your insides to this Cthulhu type monster to be reborn on earth, all that stuff and it was pretty brutal. So anyway, you came to the office and you were working some witchcraft (or voodoo as I’m sure you’d like to call it) and you were trying to find some answers to the case that had gotten me into a lot of trouble. All I remember about the case, though, was a kidnapped kid and a pervert ring and a giant, talking cat. Weird, I know. Something went wrong while you were doing your magic and we ended up on the other side of another dimension with all kinds of crazy shit, it was pseudo-wasteland and crazy Ultraman toho-hero Godzilla robo fighting stuff with super crazy tech everywhere.

We dug around and tried to figure out what had happened and long story short, we befriended and beat up a lot of crazy creatures and adopted a lying cat (which is actually from this comic book I’ve been reading called Saga – which is a cat that always says ‘Lying.’ when someone is lying). But eventually we overthrew a tyrant that was trying to break into our world and went back to our world to basically end up where we’d started with my dealing with the fallout of everything that happened on that case. But along the way we’d become romantic entangled, which was cool for the obvious reasons. And just like the open-endings of movies, we were at some place and you were walking around in this strapless gown with your hair up in a bun and I was (needless to say) very taken with you at that moment and you said something that I can’t remember and my alarm went off.

There’s a lot of details that are foggy since I didn’t write it all down when I first woke up, but that’s the basic gist of it all, just a let more summarized and smaller scale. But you get the point I’m sure. And that’s the dream.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Breathe deep. Be calm. It's all relative and inconsequential in the scale of time and space.