Sunday, August 24, 2008

startling developments in the latter parts of super developed brains

so yeah, she said i'm not gonna be a dad anymore. i think the quote was "I took care of our problem a couple of months ago..." problem? the only real problem was her, and something had to die because of that.
i don't know how i'm supposed to feel. a weight is gone, yes, but i'd be lying to say i was happier for it or relieved. it's just that after she fucked me over hardcore, that's really the only positive thing that could've come from it. i guess. maybe i'm just too much of a dumbass to really understand the implications of her carrying through. it's just that i knew, it was a girl, i called it from day one, and that's what it was. then, a few weeks or days later, it's gone. just like that.

i really don't know how i'm supposed to feel, but what i'm feeling is definitely not good.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

more and more of my pipe dreams

each and every rainbow has unattainable goals. why can't we be the people we once used to be?